Scholars Bowl

AISA District Middle School (grades 6-8) Scholars’ Bowl  Competition Date:  December 4, 2024AISA State Middle School  Scholars’ Bowl Competition Date: January 16, 2025 at Troy University of Montgomery, Whitley Hall
AISA District High School (grades 9-12) Scholars’ Bowl Competition Date:  February 12, 2025AISA State High School  Scholars’ Bowl Competition Date:  February 25, 2025 at Troy University of Montgomery, Whitley Hall

The AISA is excited to announce a new partnership for our scholars bowl competition.  At the middle school and high school level, we have partnered with the Alabama Scholastic Competition Association (ASCA).  This partnership will automatically allow the winners of the AISA State Scholars Bowl tournaments to now advance to the ASCA state tournament.  We will still utilize the NAQT test series and winners of our state competitions will still be eligible for national competitions.

In doing this, we have now adopted the ASCA rules for competitions.  Please review these rules as they are different from our previous rules.  All AISA middle school and high school teams participating in district/state will also be required to be members of ASCA. This membership has a lot of benefits and opportunities and we hope all AISA will take advantage of this opportunity and participate in many of their related events.

If you have questions about ASCA, visit their website at Alabama Scholastic Competition Association  or if you have membership questions, contact Claudette Smith ([email protected]) or Sharon Daily ([email protected]).

Registration Forms:  Alabama Scholastic Competition Association Members Page

Check on the available resources to study from: 

NAQT (National Academic Quiz Tournaments) 

The 2025 AISA State MS Scholars’ Bowl Winners are:

Team Awards:

The Donoho School

Houston Academy

Top Individual Scores:

Carlton Glenning, The Donoho School

Charles Mendheim, Houston Academy

Jalen Jernigan, Northside Methodist Academy

Abigail Urban, Faith Academy

Sutton Jones, Houston Academy


The 2025 AISA State HS Scholars’ Bowl Winners are: